games played 意味

発音を聞く:   games playedの例文
  • 《野球》試合出場回数{しあい しゅつじょう かいすう}◆【略】G


  1. poker games played on the streets or in parks .
    - 路上や公園で行われる賭けポーカーゲーム。
  2. traditional japanese games played for new year !
    おめでたい 日本の伝統遊戯だよ
  3. he took part in the oshirogo , or castle games (a series of games played in the shogun ' s castle ) for the first time when he was 17 , beating doetsu honinbo by kuroban four moku (four points as a black stone player ).
  4. his kifu (record of a game of shogi ) of shogi (japanese chess ) has been preserved , which indicates that his level is estimated on the same level as the present amateur high-ranking shogi player (assuming that the kifu recorded the games played by the real ability of ieharu tokugawa himself ).


        played:    {形} : 効力がなくなった、終わった◆【同】passe ; no longer happening◆何かが終わったときに使う This party is played, Lets go home.
        played for:    《be ~》~扱いされる、~としてまんまと利用される
        games:    games 遊技 ゆうぎ
        innings played:    《野球》野手{やしゅ}の出場{しゅつじょう}イニング数
        played out:    {形} :
        played up:    《be ~》(ニュースが)大きく扱われる
        played-out:    {形-1} : 使い切った、使い古した、古い、流行遅れの -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-2} : 疲れ果てた、疲れきった
        variation played on:    ~で演奏{えんそう}された変奏曲{へんそうきょく}
        (tennis) played with a soft ball:    (tennis) played with a soft ball 軟式 なんしき
        belittle the role played by:    ~の担う役割{やくわり}を軽視{けいし}する
        clarification of the division of the roles played by:    ~による役割分担{やくわり ぶんたん}の明確化{めいかくか}
        consider the role played by:    ~の果たす役割{やくわり}を考える
        game available to be played online:    オンラインで楽しめるゲーム
        game played in earnest:    真剣勝負{しんけん しょうぶ}
        game played in real earnest:    game played in real earnest 真剣勝負 しんけんしょうぶ


  1. "games man" 意味
  2. "games master" 意味
  3. "games of new emerging forces" 意味
  4. "games of states" 意味
  5. "games over .500" 意味
  6. "games republic" 意味
  7. "games room" 意味
  8. "games started" 意味
  9. "games theory" 意味
  10. "games of states" 意味
  11. "games over .500" 意味
  12. "games republic" 意味
  13. "games room" 意味

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