poker games played on the streets or in parks . - 路上や公園で行われる賭けポーカーゲーム。
traditional japanese games played for new year ! おめでたい 日本の伝統遊戯だよ
he took part in the oshirogo , or castle games (a series of games played in the shogun ' s castle ) for the first time when he was 17 , beating doetsu honinbo by kuroban four moku (four points as a black stone player ). そして万治2年(1659年)には17歳で御城碁に初出仕して、本因坊道悦に黒番4目勝ちした。
his kifu (record of a game of shogi ) of shogi (japanese chess ) has been preserved , which indicates that his level is estimated on the same level as the present amateur high-ranking shogi player (assuming that the kifu recorded the games played by the real ability of ieharu tokugawa himself ). 将棋は棋譜が残っており、(もし棋譜が純粋に徳川家治自身の実力のみで指されたと仮定すれば)現在のアマ高段者レベルだったと推定される。